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DALL·E 2024-01-15 21.33.11 - A solo portrait of Carolyn's twin sister, showcasing her Afri

Dr. Carla M. Westbury

"I'd rather explore a thousand new places than be stuck in one perfect spot"

Age: 33 Years Old (younger than Carolyn by 30 seconds)

Profession: Coffee Shop Barista

Assets: Gold locket from the 1800s, gift from grandmother

Net Worth: 5K USD

Current Residences:

Emerton, Ga | Sunflower Valley, Ga


Charles McVray  - Father

Charlotte Westbury - Mother

Carolyn Naue - Sister (Chris Naue)

DALL·E 2024-01-27 11.14.29 - Create a realistic image of the Mystic Madness_ Sands of Sere
DALL·E 2024-01-27 11.30.18 - Create a realistic image of a classy and technologically adva
DALL·E 2024-01-27 11.32.57 - Create an abstract background for a website that represents C

Carla is known for her spirited and adventurous nature. Growing up, she was often seen as a 'disaster'—always getting into trouble, being excessively talkative, and driven by an insatiable curiosity. Despite her turbulent teenage years, which included a brief dropout from high school and a diverse romantic history, Carla ultimately returned to finish her education a year later than her peers.



In the realm of digital exploits, Carla once achieved a feat of computer hacking that brought her dangerously close to legal repercussions. Her daring endeavor involved infiltrating the security systems of a major corporate entity. Motivated by curiosity rather than malice, Carla successfully bypassed multiple layers of sophisticated cybersecurity, gaining access to confidential data. 


Unfortunately, the corporation quickly identified the breach and began a rigorous investigation, leading authorities directly to Carla. Facing potential charges that could have resulted in serious jail time, her twin sister, Carolyn, stepped in. Through a combination of negotiation, lots of money,  and leveraging her own professional stature, Carolyn was able to convince the authorities and the corporation to drop the charges against Carla. The close call with the law prompted Carla to reconsider the direction of her skills and passions. 


Early Life and Education

Opting out of college initially, Carla decided to go on a global backpacking adventure after attending the "Mystic Madness: Sands of Serendipity" event. Her travels through Egypt, Spain, and Costa Rica sparked a love for history, influenced in part by a fiery romantic relationship with Dr. Ray Whissman, an archaeologist in Cairo. This passion led her to pursue higher education at the age of 22, starting at Yggdrasil University. Excelling in her studies, she later joined a study abroad program in Norway at the Fjordland Institute, where she developed an interest in Viking and Celt history. Carla earned her Master's in History and Viking studies, and completed her Doctorate in Anglo Saxon, Viking, and Celt history at the prestigious University of Camelot. Despite her academic achievements, Carla remains uncertain about her career path, contemplating possible positions in role play game development or historical consultancy.



Carla is known for her outgoing and friendly personality, capable of striking a friendship with almost anyone. She enjoys a lively social life, often attending parties and would rather savor every moment of life. Recently, she ended a significant relationship with Emily Stoddard, a very talented mystic and clairvoyant. Emily serves as the catalyst leading Carla to pivot her life path and attempt to become a more productive member of society. Although she harbors some jealousy towards her sister Carolyn's more stable life, Carla remains fiercely independent, living in a studio apartment in Atlanta's Grand Regency District (Emerton) (paid for by Carolyn and Chris) and working at a nearby coffee shop..


Social Life

Carla is a good balance of extrovert and introvert. She is great with technology and has a remarkable memory, especially for historical details. She has been approached for recruitment on the dark web as well as by government agencies due to her hacking abilities but prefers to forge her own path. Her deep understanding of history and love for adventure make her a unique and dynamic individual.

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